Sublime Forum

SourcePawn Symbol List Possible?


I want to create a tmLanguage file that will capture functions in SourcePawn files and add them to the symbol list.

The problem I’m having is that Pawn has no keyword to denote a function definition and semicolons are optional. Therefore I can’t seem to find a way to match function definitions using the single-line regex that Sublime uses and I can’t figure out how to make a begin/end work.

Take this code for example (formatting purposely inconsistent):

 1. public Action:RoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name], bool:dontBroadcast)
 2. {
 3.     CheckWinCondition(true);
 4. }
 6. CheckWinCondition(bool:round_end = false)
 7. {
 8.     // ...
 9.     if (!round_end)
10.     {
11.         SetVariantInt(TEAM_BLU)
12.         AcceptEntityInput(master_cp, "SetWinner")
13.     }
14. }
16. StartBeacon(client) {
17.     // ...
18. }

Using this begin/end


doesn’t work because it also captures function calls and consumes everything between the function call and the next ‘{’. So, it will capture everything between lines 3 and 7 and lines 11 and 16.

Is there any way to make this work? I’m currently generating completions using a plugin, but there is no API to allow a plugin to populate the symbol list so there is no way to easily navigate to function definitions.



What plugin you are using for completions?

To add the source pawn symbols to the list, you need to create a configuration file like this named SourcePawn.tmPreferences:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>Symbol List</string>
	<string>(source.SourcePawn) &amp; (function.definition | variable.definition)</string>

Where function.definition and variable.definition are the scopes associated for the variables keywords on your sublime-syntax file. For AmxxPawn see this.

Find out scopes for your theme you may use these:
