Sublime Forum

Bug: Go To Definition and more than two panes (split window)


Interesting Bug:

]Create two files, which both define the same symbol/]
]Create a two-pane layout/]
]Open one file in a pane/]
]Go to the other pane, and open Go To Symbol/]
]Select your symbol/]
]In the new quick panel, select the file that is in the other pane/]

Expected result:
Sublime shows the file and highlights the line with the definition in the other pane, but the quick panel stays open, and the input field is focussed

Actual result:
The quick panel closes immediately, and the cursor is in front of the definition in the file in the other pane

But it gets weirder

]Create two files, which both define the same symbol/]
]Create a two-pane layout/]
]Open the first file in the first pane. The definition in this file must appear before the other definition in the quick panel for this to work! (file path dependant) /]
]Open the second file in the second pane./]
]In the second pane, open Go To Symbol/]
]Select your symbol/]
]In the new quick panel, select the file that is open in the first pane/]
]Unexpected: the quick panel switches to the first pane/]
]Now browse to the definition in the second pane/]

Expected result:
The quick panel does not switch to the other pane. Sublime shows the file and highlights the line with the definition in the first pane, and then in the second pane.

Actual result:
The quick panel stays open in the first pane, but the cursor is in front of the definition in the file in the second pane. To close the quick panel, you have to focus the first pane, and hit escape. You can also click once on a definition listed in the panel to open a file, but not more. The open quick panel also blocks all other instances of Go to Symbol until it is closed.

This bug report probably works better as a video, haha.



See also: