Sublime Forum

Just switched from notepad++ for lua


Hello, I’m an addon developer for World of Warcraft and due to someone huge support on sublime syntax I’ve decided to switch over, however been using notepad++ for so many years I have grown accustomed to certain things.

My question is simply does sublime have this or that?

  1. Does sublime have any way to have a toolbar under the menu similar to Notepad++ I am mostly interested in the ability to click the new\save\save all icon without using the menu or hotkey.

  2. Is there a way to always show folding lines on the left side, I can only get sublime to show me triangles when I hover of the small left bar however Notepad++ has line and they always stay visible

here is a reference image - *(

EDIT: After some extensive searching I found a few topics about a toolbar and it appears there is not one.*


  1. no, but ctrl+s can help
  2. “fade_fold_buttons”: true, in your settings will make those small triangles always visible.


Do you know of anyway to make it show lines from code blocks like notepad++ does in my reference picture?

The triangles just don’t help as much, when I get large files that I’m working on that have over 1000 lines at the least being able to see a giant code block line extend all the way down lets me know that I’m missing an “end” someone up above.



Not exactly the same thing, but setting
“indent_guide_options”: “draw_active”],
will help



I think that would help more if it stayed visible all the time rather then when you click in the block, but this is the best alternative I have gotten so thank you.



Preferences -> Settings - Default:
// Controls how the indent guides are drawn, valid options are
// “draw_normal” and “draw_active”. draw_active will draw the indent
// guides containing the caret in a different color.
“indent_guide_options”: “draw_normal”, “draw_active”],



Okay that’s more useful thank you. =)