Sublime Forum

Can anyone help me solve these issues?


Hi everyone. My apologies if these questions have already been answered and I have simply failed to find the relevant posts. I love Sublime, however there are currently 3 issues I am continuously running up against and for which I am hoping someone has a solution:

  1. Having the cursor follow the “Find Next” operation: When using F3 to find the next occurrence of a variable, I would like to start typing immediately once I find the instance I want. However, since the cursor remains in its original location, this means I need to take my hand off the keyboard and click on the line with my mouse before I can start editing. Is there a way I can have the cursor follow me when I press F3?

  2. Having the undo stack not group operations: As an example, when I am deleting code I usually hold down the DEL key and can sometimes overshoot by a char or two. When I press CTRL+Z to undo, it undoes the entire delete operation instead of restoring the last deleted character. This means I have to start over and try my delete again. Is there a way to have the undo stack record each deleted character separately instead of treating everything from the first moment I pressed DEL as one operation?

  3. Undo added line when declaring multiple cursors: I LOVE multiple cursors and use them all the time. However I find one aspect of them a bit unintuitive for me - when I am adding lines to a block of cursors with the CTRL+ALT+DOWN shortcut, sometimes I overshoot my mark and add one line too many. My reflex is to then immediately press UP (with CTRL+ALT still pressed) to remove the last added line. However this ends up adding the line prior to my first cursor. I realize I could remap the “Add previous line” shortcut, but I do use this on occasion as well. The question I am asking is whether there is a way to undo a line addition, previous or next. The way it works now, if I mess up adding lines I have to hit ESC to clear out all the cursors and start over.

I realize these issues are nit-picks, but the editor as a whole is so wonderful at increasing my productivity that I can’t help but find these jarring when I run into them. Does anyone know of any preferences that would address these cases? Thank you!



Hello and welcome.

Can *you *help the community please and split your three questions into three different threads and use more suitable subjects on each? Thank you :wink:

That way we will not mess-up the answers of the different questions and others will find the answers better if they will need them too.



  1. Do you mean when the cursor is in the find panel ? If the cursor is in the view, F3 do what you want.
  2. Look like grouping is time based. Don’t think there’s an option for changing this and IMHO the grouping is a must have, undo char by char would be a nightmare 99% of the time.
    You probably can do some nasty hack in a plugin to do what you want (using events).
  3. CTRL+U


For me, when using F3 it goes to the next search term (in your case, the next occurrence of a variable) and highlights the characters. Pressing the right arrow key once brings me to the end of the previously highlighted text, requiring no mouse interaction. Is this what you are asking about? If not, please try to restate your issue.



Hi everyone. Thanks for the replies:

@Jim: Certainly, apologies for that. I was afraid to post each question individually as it might have been seen as spamming the forum. I will make separate posts for my remaining questions and from this point on.

@jbjornson: You’re right! I had just updated my version of Sublime before posting my question and did not check it, but it now works like I want! I don’t know if it was just a problem on my end the whole time or if this was something addressed in a subsequent build, but regardless this is perfect!

@bizoo: Thanks for the response. My #1 has been answered and is no longer an issue. For the other two questions, by Jim’s request I will make a separate post for them. Would you mind continuing the discussion there?
