Sublime Forum

Removing last selected line


Hi everyone.

Does anyone know of a way to undo a single line addition when declaring multiple cursors? When I am pressing CTRL+ALT+UP/DOWN to add lines to my cursor block, sometimes I add one too many and want to remove it. However both CTRL+Z and CTRL+U will remove the entire block selection.




Your question inspired me to finish adding this feature to one of my plugins (Sublime 3 only), since this also bugs me.

The issue is that it seems Sublime combines all successive motions into one, even with soft undo. This plugin is a little bit of a hack solution to remember which direction you were going, and undo the last movement if you go the other direction. So if you CTRL+ALT+UP one too many, just press CTRL+ALT+DOWN.

This plugin does a few other things (like adding mouse support, pgup/pgdn/home/end, making begging/end of lines sticky, ignoring lines that are too short). If these other features are in your way, if you know a little Python it should be easy for you to rip out what you don’t want. Or even better, feel free to send me suggestions.



This is fantastic, sapphire! And no worries about the approach - it’s actually what I reflexively do when I run into this (hit UP when selecting one too many going down). I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks!