Sublime Forum

Use SFTP Keyboard Shortcut for File Selected in Sidebar


I recently purchased the Sublime SFTP Plugin:

The keyboard shortcuts are working as expected, however, I was wondering if there is a way to get them to apply to a selected file in the sidebar. Right now, the keyboard shortcut will apply the proper action to the currently focused open file, but sometimes I just want to quickly select one in the sidebar and do it that way. I know you can right click and go down two levels and pick the action, but that gets tiresome when you are doing the action hundreds of times a day.

The reason I ask is this: I am working with gulp, so the files I want to upload are not the src files that I have open, but the ones that got minified and sent to the build folder with gulp.

Thanks in advance!



Unfortunately there wouldn’t be a way for me to know if you want to apply the operation to the file currently open, or the file selected in the sidebar. There is a context-menu for sidebar entries where you can upload, but I presume that is not what you want. Depending on your OS and keyboard combo, you may be able to use the keyboard to activate that, but it may be gross. Perhaps try using ctrl/cmd+p to open the file and then use the key-combo?

I will be adding folder watching functionality in one of the next feature releases which should hopefully solve the issue for you.



Ah, that makes sense how that could be ambiguous for the user. Not knowing which file would be uploaded.

I found a mini work around that works just fine, it’s similar to what you said. I enabled the preview_on_click option, and that gives the file the focus and emulates what I need. I still have to click back to the src file once I am done, but it’s still fast enough for my needs.

Looking forward to that update. Thanks for such an amazing program!