Sublime Forum

How to remove sidebar icons - build 3065


[quote=“billdami”]I would try creating a new folder in Packages/User called “Theme - Default” (assuming you are using the Default theme), and then put your new Default.sublime-theme file in there. So the final path would be:

Packages/User/Theme - Default/Default.sublime-theme

Thanks, @billdami. I followed this instruction, but to no effect. I verified my work as follows on the shell:

[code]$ cd
$ cat Packages/User/Theme\ -\ Default/Default.sublime-theme

“class”: “icon_file_type”,
“content_margin”: [0,0]
“class”: “icon_folder”,
“content_margin”: [0,0]
“class”: “icon_folder_loading”,
“content_margin”: [0,0]
$ ./sublime-text # start Sublime Text build 3065

The file appears to be in order, but when I restart Sublime, I still see the icons. I also tried putting the file at ‘Packages/User/Theme - Default/Theme - Default.sublime-theme’.


  1. I don’t like the new icons - There should be a config option to disable these new icons
  2. We already have themes that have icons - There should be a config option to disable these new icons
  3. The folder icons are reduntant, because of the arrows - There should be a config option to disable these new icons

Made an account on this forum just to say that.
Will use previous build until this is solved.



Using SublimeText 3, the following worked

Using Package Control, removed “Theme : Soda”
Remove from the Settings - User “theme”: “Soda Dark.sublime-theme”
Restart SublimeText

Re-installed the Theme : Soda
Add to the Settings - User “theme”: “Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme”
Restart SublimeText



No, not a fan of these icons. Not attractive at all. I would like to see a Settings option to disable them.



You guys are talking about sidebar icons on 3065, but the download page only has 3064 as the latest.
What gives?



[quote=“RickyS”]You guys are talking about sidebar icons on 3065, but the download page only has 3064 as the latest.
What gives?[/quote]

Official beta build: = 3065.



[quote=“billdami”]To completely remove both the new folder and file type icons, you can simply customize your theme, adding the following theme rules:

Thanks for sharing @billdami.
Saved me hours of playing to get rid of the sidebar icons that I despise.
The fact that ST makes it easy for even dolt like me to “fix” things like this is part of why I stick with ST but it would have taken me hours to sort out and instead your solution has it fixed in minutes.
Excellent work and thanks again for sharing.



If it’s possible for a Python module to alter the file icons based on Git status, then this is the best update to Sublime Text in a long time!



On Mac OS, using Theme - Soda.sublime-package, i could remove the icons this way:

  • unzip ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/Theme - Soda.sublime-package
    ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages

  • open the extracted folder and find the .sublime-theme
    file you use

  • Set the icons margins to [0,0] as billdami said (see code below)

  • Use the Package Control built-in Create Binary Package File
    command to recreate the .sublime-package file and replace it to the old one (the folder has to be in “Installed Package” directory)

Thumbs down for the icons!

{ "class": "icon_file_type", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder_loading", "content_margin": [0,0] }



Hmm. I use the Eiffel theme but I can’t find any file like this, in JSON format, for Eiffel. I have a “Eiffel (SL).tmTheme” file, it’s XML and there’s no mention of icon’s in it.



Eiffel is just the syntax highlight color scheme, you need to edit the theme (.sublime-theme) instead,
depending on which theme are you using, you need to find the package you are using and follow gpbl’s steps in the post above.

hope it helps



Very good! Unzipped the *sublime-package, found the *theme files, made the changes, renamed the original *sublime-package file to *orig, and now I have an Installed Packages/Theme - Soda dir with the edited files. Quit and restarted, the icons are still there. Do I have to zip up the Theme - Soda dir to make a *sublime-package file? Or could the old content be cached?

Thanks again.



Made the *sublime-package file, so now I have an Installed Packages/Theme - Soda.sublime-package file with the changes in it, but still have icons. Odd. Thank you for your reply, at any rate.



I wish he’d use standard OS folder icons and hire to do the file type icons. Though those hideous Windows icons might be a reason he has taken so long to even humor this feature, then again Yosemite folder icons, no comments. I get it, some people prefer no folders or file type icons, so that should be an option in your user pref file (A very valid option, I bet it’s 50/50, though if I was Jon I wouldn’t count forum complainers as that’s a fraction of ST2/3 user base).

Just do this:

folder_icons: true/false (reverts to just arrows)
file_type_icons: true/false (reverts back to just text)

Everyone wins!



[quote=“gpbl”]On Mac OS, using Theme - Soda.sublime-package, i could remove the icons this way:

  • unzip ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages/Theme - Soda.sublime-package

~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages

  • open the extracted folder and find the .sublime-theme
    file you use

  • Set the icons margins to [0,0] as billdami said (see code below)

  • Use the Package Control built-in Create Binary Package File
    command to recreate the .sublime-package file and replace it to the old one (the folder has to be in “Installed Package” directory)

Thumbs down for the icons!

{ "class": "icon_file_type", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder_loading", "content_margin": [0,0] }[/quote]

Thanks this works great!



Resurrecting this old thread to ask - is it save to upgrade yet? Is there an option to use the original look?



nope. there is no built in option to disable icons.



I’d just like to add my voice to this plea; as a long-time ST2 user, I’ve just upgraded, and the sidebar icons have been the only real downside so far.

(Their Mac OS 9 look is somewhat nostalgic… but the loss of screen real estate bugs me more than the aesthetic pain!)



Hey, is there any update on this?



Hey, i had the same issue.

Here is the original post:

Make sure to read the comments