Sublime Forum

PHP syntax colouring


Hi everyone,

Although I’m quite comfortable with HTML/CSS, I’m quite new to ST and PHP. I’ve tried quite a few of the colour schemes and ended up coming back to Monokai (which I slightly desaturated), which I’m very happy with.

I’m working from some lynda videos at the moment and the guy is using DW. I notice on DW that things like PHP tags and variable get there own syntax highlighting, even when the PHP is embedded in an HTML page.

Now in ST PHP tags and variable etc. are just the same colour and the main content (white). I checked the theme file, and it seems that they are all just part of foreground

Is there anyway to include PHP syntax highlighting (even within an HTML doc) or should I just live with it?



From what I know, this should be the default. Could you post an example file’s contents and a screenshot of how it looks for you?