Sublime Forum

Possible Hacker trick-Sublime License Key Compromised


I suspect that some low-life Hacker has broken into my Sublime Text 2.0.2 License Key;because when I open it,there are a few Hexadecimal numbers, than rows of zeroes where there shouldn’t be,than more Hexadecimal code. The whole License size is too big ,and it looks unusable and compromised! I paid good money,$70USD, and this is what I get! I was just starting to get the hang of sublime Text 2.0.2 when this happens! It doesn’t pay to purchase premium Text editor Software! I can’t recommend Sublime Text 2.0.2 to anybody! I will have to use the more reliable TextEdit built into the Mac! :imp: As for the malicious hacker,words can’t express the DISDAIN I feel for them! :angry:



Does it look like this?

If so - that is totally normal.



If your license key is corrupted and you need to get it again, you can go here:


Note that you should save it - like for any software you purchase - in a safe place so you don’t need to depend on the long-term availability of that link.

Is Sublime saying that it’s unlicensed?

Even if the file was hacked or otherwise corrupted, what does that have to do with Sublime?



Calm down, I doubt anybody hacked your key. If your computer was hacked they wouldn’t go for sublime text licenses which isn’t worth anything to them and you’d have a lot more to worry about. It is much more likely that it got corrupted in some way, maybe the process died, your harddrive glitched, or some cosmic ray hit you from outer space.



Your license hasn’t been hacked and is not corrupt. When you add the key to Sublime it is XOR-ed with the machine name (or something else specific to your computer) and stored in hex. You can overwrite the file with the original text and it will also work.



“I’m gonna switch to ! Sublime Text has hackable license keys! Boo-fucking-hoo!”

Why are kids allowed to use the internet without their parents yet?



This is xkcd/clientsfromhell material…