Sublime Forum

Dev Build 3067


Add the following as an element of the primary element of the tmLanguage file.

<dict> <key>hidden</key> <true/> </dict>

I was able to do this for a file I had created and I am no longer able to see it in the select list in the bottom right of the editor. However, I am still able to assign it via the command palette which may be a bug.

I hope this helps! :smiley:




Welcome back, Jps!
I’m glad to see you are seeking feedback from the community regarding features that would make ST3 and future releases better. I have yet to post anything to the forum, but I have been developing an in-house plugin with a co-worker for a few years. I’m a little late to the party but I wanted to share our feedback for new features/API’s.

**Sidebar **

  1. Some way that will allow plugin developers to modify the styling of specific files/folders. My specific use case would be for version control systems, but I am sure there are other uses for a similar feature.

  2. Allow files to be moved through drag and drop in the sidebar.

  3. Allow files to be added to project folders by dragging the file from an explorer/finder window to the specific project folder.

  4. Add an option to “Open folder” similar to the “Open containing folder” found in the context menu for a file entry. This can be done by selecting one of the nested files and choosing “Open containing folder”, but it seems like a backwards way of thinking when you want to open the folder.

  5. Allow hidden folders within the project which will still be indexed. There are cases were I have shared libraries I want to reference, but I don’t want the folder to appear in the project. However, I still want to access the code within the library.


  1. Allow the display of formatted text in a pop-up element similar to Twitter Bootstraps tooltip elements. Some examples would be function definition including parameters and return types. Allowing a developer to display custom text in the tooltip would be helpful as well such as displaying the current value of a variable if running a debugger.

  2. Possibly add the ability to include swatches/icons/images to the tooltip. I see this working like a color swatch/picker when working with html/css.

Improved gutter(s)

  1. Allow developers to add custom gutters beyond the standard line numbers and region icons. I see this being used to show differences between the working version and source version in version control plugins.

  2. Make code folding work based on syntax and not indentation level. If that is not an option, please add a setting to ignore commented code when code folding. When I work I often tag the start and end of my changes with a commented line which started in column 1 of the line.

  3. Improved status bar API

  4. Include a way to color/style specific elements in the status bar.



Sorry for breaking this up into two posts but I kept getting memory errors when I tried to post my requests as one full post!

The following ideas will probably fall under ST4 development as I don’t see an easy way to handle these requests without a significant amount of work to ST3:

Customizable widgets

  1. Create advanced panels that would allow developers to include custom buttons/input fields. I think this would require major changes to the way themes are created as custom buttons would need to follow the themes styling, and that would be nearly impossible to handle with pre-rendered images. Button styling would have to be handled through the theme coding and not pre-rendered images. This may lead to greater flexibility in themes moving forward.

  2. Building upon the custom widget idea, create new “docking” areas within the application. Currently the console always displays in a panel at the bottom on the application, and any custom panels follow this pattern. Someone had mentioned allowing developers to create custom widgets below the sidebar, and I agree this would be a good idea.

  3. Also add a panel doc to the right side of the application would be helpful. A developer could create a custom information panel which could be displayed to the right of the code similar to how visual studio and eclipse panels work. I don’t wish to turn Sublime into eclipse, but I think having additional panels for information/actions would be helpful in some cases.

In-line edit/peek sections

  1. I see someone has already mentioned this feature, but I wanted to add another request for it.

This is not part of the enhancement ideas but I have to say that you’ve become dependent on an editor when you start using keyboard short cuts (ctrl + d) in your word processor to select the next instance of a word. Great work on an amazing product! Keep the updates coming!




Add the following as an element of the primary element of the tmLanguage file.

<dict> <key>hidden</key> <true/> </dict>

I was able to do this for a file I had created and I am no longer able to see it in the select list in the bottom right of the editor. However, I am still able to assign it via the command palette which may be a bug.

I hope this helps! :smiley:


Thanks Nick, I’ll try that. I was actually adding it as a xml element “” and it was not working!



@huot25: Great proposals with the widgets! I thought of dockable custom widgets a few times, but the way you described (and named) them sounds really good like it would actually be achievable.



Something else I’d like to add Jon, is that you update the tmLanguage files to match Textmates latest bundle versions. They’re so dated that things just don’t highlight properly in some languages.



OK; I have another idea, regarding multi file replace actions:

So if I have a lot of replacements to make, it can be quite tedious to have all these files opened, and I also must save them manually then.

What would be nice is an option to make multi file replaces that are excuted without opening them first. Maybe show the replacements after the fact.

A very good implementation of such a multifile replace is implemented in BBEdit, maybe take some cues fromt here?



@frontend_dev: FWIW, there is a “File → Save all” comand so you don’t have to save them all manually, but I agree that opening 20+ files is rather annoying at times.



Yes, it’s sometimes annoying, but it’s consistent: you edited the file, so it’s open in the editor.

One deeper trick that I use sometimes is a regex search on the command line to get a file list for a new Sublime window:

[project]>subl -n $(grep -l foo *.cpp)

The grep command there searches all files whose names end with “.cpp” and returns a list (-l) of the ones that contain “foo”. That $(…) syntax tells the Bash shell to run the grep command and replace the $(…) with the result of the command. So the effect is getting a new window (-n) of sublime, with all the files that matched the regular expression. Then Sublime’s regex search and replace can rewrite all those files, and File/Save All, followed by closing the window, leaves everything else as it was.



The feature I would most like to see added (even though will not help most existing users) is to include Package Manager with the application. That lowers the hurdle for new users and new installations. Another is some way to turn off the file/folder icons in the sidebar, to restore a bit of space.

The bug I’d most like to see fixed is the one that causes the application to not find the selection text in the current selection, even though the text is found if the “in current” icon is turned off. It’s quite frequent and rather maddening. Sometimes I just copy the text to a new window, replace there, and restore it to avoid the bug. Another is the one that causes the sidebar to be empty instead of showing the files it should show. There has been a host of “me too” postings on it, but no sign of a fix.



I would like to second platform specific settings that override the default user settings. This really only effects the font and font size for me personally, but its still somewhat to deal with



Anyone run into problems with themes still displaying icons in the sidebar when they shouldn’t?



[quote=“jps”]Dev Build 3067 is out now, with a few bits of polish.

Development work on Sublime Text was very quiet in 2014. I don’t intend for that to be the case in 2015.[/quote]

So what’s going on now? Total blackout on communication, you haven’t visited this forum in months, no dev-builds in months, no blog posts since forver.

Any hints would be appreciated, as I’m debating whether or not to continue maintaining my plugins or just take the plunge now and move to atom (I would not move if ST got a sensible sidebar API so I can color individual items, AND I knew it was maintained steadily)



Come to Emacs instead. We have cookies.



[quote]So what’s going on now? Total blackout on communication, you haven’t visited this forum in months, no dev-builds in months, no blog posts since forver.

Any hints would be appreciated, as I’m debating whether or not to continue maintaining my plugins or just take the plunge now and move to atom (I would not move if ST got a sensible sidebar API so I can color individual items, AND I knew it was maintained steadily)[/quote]

100% agree. Please give us a sign. No communication will kill you. Free alternatives are coming up everyday from strong teams.




Could you please elaborate on what’s going on? I’m in the habit of starting Sublime 3 every week in hopes of updates and bugfixes (, but no…





Could you please elaborate on what’s going on? I’m in the habit of starting Sublime 3 every week in hopes of updates and bugfixes (, but no…

Be warned :astonished:
:arrow_right: Questions about status updates, bugs are taboo. Also you are not allowed to say bad things about sublime and/or good things about other editors.

In such cases our esteemed moderator exercises his right to delete the post and may also ban you.[/quote]

I’ve not banned anyone for asking questions about development, I simply lock topics which go off topic.



I went through the forum a couple of months back for fun, and it really seems like you picked exactly the wrong strategy, since every time you lock a topic, a similar one pops up a few hours or days later. Just let the threads grow even if you disagree with them… it’s less noise for the rest of us.




I went through the forum a couple of months back for fun, and it really seems like you picked exactly the wrong strategy, since every time you lock a topic, a similar one pops up a few hours or days later. Just let the threads grow even if you disagree with them… it’s less noise for the rest of us.[/quote]

Except for the reports we get from people who personally attack others, send them PM’s threatening them etc.



That’s a matter of banning people and removing posts, not closing threads IMO.