Sublime Forum

Dev Build 3075


Dev Build 3075 is out now.

3075 adds back the notion of selecting a build system. Selecting a build system will make it the only relevant choice: no other build systems will appear in the list, and the selected build system will always appear in the list. In general, you shouldn’t need to do this, it was added to address two scenarios:

  • A user has a build system that is deemed not relevant, most likely due to the build system having a selector that doesn’t match the current file. It’s not always practical to edit the build system, so selecting it instead overrides the selector based detection.
  • A user has many relevant build systems, and they only want to focus on a single one.

When a build system is selected, you can still choose between variants within that build system via primary+shift+b.

1 Like


Maybe I’m thick, but I still miss a way to display a list of the variants of the current Build System (the one selected with primary+shift+b, not the one from the menu).

Jon, could you please give me a hint on how to do this ?



There’s no such functionality.

Without setting an explicit build system, there’s no way to list the variants of just a single build system, the closest thing is getting a list of build systems + variants that are judged relevant.



[quote=“jps”]There’s no such functionality.
Without setting an explicit build system, there’s no way to list the variants of just a single build system, the closest thing is getting a list of build systems + variants that are judged relevant.[/quote]

Any plan to add this functionality ?
It’s not really an issue but ,as you said, there’s currently no way to do it easily and cleanly.



I think there’s an issue with the new file detection system:
If you open a resource file of ST, like with the ‘Settings - Default’ menu item, the file is opened in a dirty state and ST ask if you want to save it when you close it.



Yay, what better to way to start off the week with a new Sublime build?!

However, I can confirm bizoo’s statement: some preference files are opened as dirty (keybindings - user, preferences -default, all package settings files), others are not. Or it might be a spurious problem, sometimes happening, sometimes not.




I confim bizoo’s post too.

I understand there are two opposite trends on Build System: show just the items for the selected one, have access to all Build System without selection.
Very likely we don’t need to have access to ALL of them, but just more than one…
It’s something that happens in our projects: we have some common tasks to run along with specific actions depending on the compiler family.
Now we replicate the common tasks in 2 Build Systems.
My proposal
-> Allow the selection of multiple Build Systems
Then the entire list would be just the merging of the items coming from the enabled Build Systems.
In this way we can fall back on the current implementation, just one selected.
But we can extend it to show up an enriched list to cover 2 or all available Build Systems.
I would recommend an “enable/disable all” “toggle selection” actions on the Build System list, so that most of the combinations are achievable in few clicks…(even though I rarely abandon the keyboard and love ST for letting me doing that)
I left to you details on how “ctrl+b” & sons should work.

Does it sound inline with ST philosophy of having multiple stuff, doesn’t it?



Basically we have the following functionality regarding build systems now:

  1. A build system and a variant are selected in the “build with” command (build {“select”: true}).

  2. The selected build and variant are run when just running the “build” command, as long as the build is still “valid” for the current file. If none was selected or none is valid, 1. is run.

  3. We may manually select a build system that will always be “valid” when it usually would not. It also makes all other build systems not valid and the select build popup will only show variants of the selected build or run it immediately if there are none.

  4. A build system + variant can also be run using “Build With:” in the command palette, but it is not selected. That means a following “build” run would not run the just selected build+variant if it is different to the selected one.

No issues here, this is all that I need currently. Good work.

There is one little thing however. sublime.log_commands(True) shows that after “build {“select”: true}” the “quick_panel” command being run with the many arguments, but it does not show the command that actually was run by the quick panel afterwards. All the data is present in the quick_panel args ofc, but it would be cleaner if the command run was also logged.



Yes build systems is shaping up nicely with these latest additions. Though I’ve not used it heavily just yet, all the right options appear to be in place.

It’s probably bad etiquette to ask here, but I’d love to work with a block cursor. The lack of alphablending with the underlying character is a bit of a blocker for me. This appears to be a bug - any chance it could be fixed?

More info here



Hey all. Yes, I’ve been away for a while.
Now, maybe I’ve suffered a mini-stroke or something, or I should just take this as a sign I should retire and just go do something else…
Pardon my (apparently) extreme ignorance, but I have spent the last hour researching this and… have found nothing.
So I simply have to ask…

What in the blue freakin’ blazes is a/the “PRIMARY” key ???
Where did this terminology come from ??? :confused:
<shaking head, lip curled on one side>

Thank you…



ctrl on win/linux and cmd (or super) on osx. It was new to me as well, but there really aren’t that many options.

You could have also looked it up in the default key bindings.




[quote=“jps”]There’s no such functionality.
Without setting an explicit build system, there’s no way to list the variants of just a single build system, the closest thing is getting a list of build systems + variants that are judged relevant.[/quote]

Any plan to add this functionality?[/quote]

It’s not something I’m planning on adding, for the sake of not adding any more complexity to how build systems and variants are selected. In general, I don’t think it’s required, either: it’s not generally the end of the world if multiple build systems are listed in the Build With quick panel, and if it is, then the user can force select a single build system.

[quote=“bizoo”]I think there’s an issue with the new file detection system:
If you open a resource file of ST, like with the ‘Settings - Default’ menu item, the file is opened in a dirty state and ST ask if you want to save it when you close it.[/quote]

Thanks for the report, will fix for the next build.



[quote=“jps”]It’s not something I’m planning on adding, for the sake of not adding any more complexity to how build systems and variants are selected. In general, I don’t think it’s required, either: it’s not generally the end of the world if multiple build systems are listed in the Build With quick panel,

I agree the current state is way better than the previous model. and as I mostly use Build System defined in the project, my list of available builds/variants is short enough.
But I can think of a few corner case when you have dozen of variants in different Build System (eg. server or user list) and where the current situation is maybe less than optimal.

and if it is, then the user can force select a single build system.[/quote]

Actually, this only works if you have only one Build System for your project. If you use more than one Build System using selector, you have to switch the Build System each time, so pretty useless.

Anyway, thanks for your answer.



I’m still having the entire editor crash when I open the command palette - any idea how I can fix this? Or report any errors?



Why on earth are you accepting bug reports through a decades old forum system with no possibility for people to get notified about changes.

Use the github tracker, man, like everyone else. People are used to it now, and it actually works.

Now I have to bookmark a fair amount of forum threads to get some kind of overview. It’s ridiculous.



I am new to Sublime Text

I installed the latest Dev Build on my Mac.

When I open Sublime Text, it asks me to enter the License key.

Where can I get it for Free?



You can test the most recent beta version for an unlimited time but you need a license for the dev version. ST is not free software. If you like it, pay for it. There is a single developer and he deserves our support.



Is there any chance to fix this issue?



[quote=“bijayrungta”]I am new to Sublime Text

I installed the latest Dev Build on my Mac.

When I open Sublime Text, it asks me to enter the License key.

Where can I get it for Free?[/quote]

Dev builds are only open to users who have paid for Sublime Text



It’s probably bad etiquette to ask here, but I’d love to work with a block cursor. The lack of alphablending with the underlying character is a bit of a blocker for me. This appears to be a bug - any chance it could be fixed?

More info here[/quote]

Posted on Issue tracker here.