Sublime Forum

layer0.texture repeat?


Hi everyone,

I’m trying to make a new theme and am looking for detailed documentation on the classes that are used.

Right now I’m using the default theme as a reference but if there are any classes that aren’t used (or classes that cannot be customized) I’d like to know what they are. If someone could point me to some good theme building resources that would be much appreciated!

Where I’m stuck right now is trying to figure out if it’s possible to get a texture to repeat.

For example:

"class": "scroll_bar_control", "layer0.texture": "new-theme/default/scrollbar-bg-16.png", "layer0.opacity": 1.0, "layer0.inner_margin": [0, 0, 0, 0], "layer0.draw_center": true,

scrollbar-bg-16.png is a 16px by 16px image. I’d like it to repeat itself along the length of the scrollbar. However so far I’ve only been able to get it to stretch or stick.

Any ideas?

Thank you!



This should do the trick:

"layer0.repeat": true