Sublime Forum

Beginner's guide


hi all! i just discovered sublime text 2. i really would like to learn how to use it. i’ve been using dreamweaver for text coding and i think it’s time for me to use another text editor that’s incredible and lightweight. can anybody point me the right direction on how to use it? is there a beginner’s guide? i have read the sublime help and tried to play around sublime text 2, i still don’t know how to start using it. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks! :smile:



Funny that you posted this just after Jeffrey Way updated his “Sublime Tips and Tricks” (which is essentially a getting started guide).



I think the Nettuts piece is very helpful. I also found it difficult to find basic instructions on how to get going with the app as well. There are a number of pieces I found helpful . I especially found the latter one helpful. But so far the nettuts thing is the best start guide that I’ve found. The main thing is to install the package control plugin first and then you can just use super+shift+p to install plugins easily, or kill them, etc. Also, the other serious trick is that you will always want to change settings by copying and pasting settings from the default settings area into the user area, since any changes you make to the default files will be lost as soon as you update the program. Looking at the manual for 1.x is helpful for some things, but you will want to replace camel case with _ for things to work in 2.x. It would be awesome to have a quickstart guide. I agree. Thing that you’ll find is some of the features added via plugins have been added to the program as features and then this can get a bit hairy. So, for instance, sublimecodeintel was used for a popup suggestion list, and this feature has now been included in later releases of 2.x, and the same is true of “draw_indent_lines” which the nettuts piece still mistakenly says you should add through a plugin under section 6 of his writeup. Don’t add that plugin, just enable the feature in the settings. Other than that this forum is a great place to get help.