Sublime Forum

Get PHP methods of object by annotation


Hi, I seen screencast about Sublime Text 2, and it’s rocks!
But there are some part which not work fine for me. It’s about this: I’m PHP developer and I use Dependency Container which is generated by Framework (Nette).
Here is example of code:

 * @property Nette\DI\NestedAccessor $php
 * @property Nette\Application\PresenterFactory $presenterFactory
 * @property Nette\Application\Routers\RouteList $router
 * @property Nette\Http\Session $session
 * @property Nette\Caching\Storages\PhpFileStorage $templateCacheStorage
 * @property Nette\Security\User $user
class SystemContainer extends Nette\DI\Container

Is there any way, how to get this property from annotation to awesome Sublime Text 2?

I already installed SublimeCodeIntel.
