Sublime Forum

State of art of c++ refactor in sublime editor


i’ve just found sublime, i’ve done some little python script and it is really supercool!
i was just wandering about how c++ coding/refactoring is improved.

in particular way i’m on linux and i’m looking for thoose feature:

  • have linux shell
  • smart code completition: when i use std::vector comde completition should show me all (and only those) vector method and property. the same for boost or external libs (obviously if i link the includes)
  • smart code navigation. now i’m using a framework with a quite complicated code source folder and i want to navigate between code easily in the folders
  • refactoring: if i change something in the cpp i want also .h to be changed.

i understand that i’m looking for a “perfect c++ ide” but i just wander if some sublime guy here is daily code in c++ and has some way to handles thoose problems!



You might quarnster’s SublimeClang plugin. I recommend you install it via Package Control: … stallation