Sublime Forum

2201 (OS X) Hanging


I just updated to build 2201 and now ST2 hangs / freezes / etc. Usually what happens is I launch the app and it just sits there, but sometimes it loads a blank white app as well. I reinstalled but that didn’t seem to fix anything.

Here’s the error I’m getting in console:

[PXWindow backingScaleFactor]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x118c29170

Looks like it’s back to 2200 for now :wink:

Edit: Crap, sorry for wrong forum.



What version of OS X are you running? 10.6.x? If it’s crashing because of backingScaleFactor, that’s what it sounds like, at least. If that’s what it is, it might be that message needs to be wrapped in something like a respondsToSelector: check (in which case, wait you’d have to roll back to 2200 for now, I think).



Thanks for the report, will fix for the next build



D’oh… Useful information to have. 10.6.8.

Thanks! And thanks for a fantastic project!