Sublime Forum

Encoding helper for Python <-> ST2 communication?


I have issues with lot of plugins regarding encoding/decoding of text.
Even when you know the encoding name in ST2, there’s no facility to get the right codec in Python because the name are not the same.

I use the module below for the conversion, but it’s cumbersome to include it in all plugins.
And make a separate package with it mean that you introduce a dependance for others packages that want to use it.

So Jon, what do you think about including something like that in standard ST2 distribution ?

[code]import codecs

st_encodings_list =
“UTF-8 with BOM”,
“UTF-16 LE”,
“UTF-16 LE with BOM”,
“UTF-16 BE”,
“UTF-16 BE with BOM”,
“Western (Windows 1252)”,
“Western (ISO 8859-1)”,
“Western (ISO 8859-3)”,
“Western (ISO 8859-15)”,
“Western (Mac Roman)”,
“DOS (CP 437)”,
“Arabic (Windows 1256)”,
“Arabic (ISO 8859-6)”,
“Baltic (Windows 1257)”,
“Baltic (ISO 8859-4)”,
“Celtic (ISO 8859-14)”,
“Central European (Windows 1250)”,
“Central European (ISO 8859-2)”,
“Cyrillic (Windows 1251)”,
“Cyrillic (Windows 866)”,
“Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)”,
“Cyrillic (KOI8-R)”,
“Cyrillic (KOI8-U)”,
“Estonian (ISO 8859-13)”,
“Greek (Windows 1253)”,
“Greek (ISO 8859-7)”,
“Hebrew (Windows 1255)”,
“Hebrew (ISO 8859-8)”,
“Nordic (ISO 8859-10)”,
“Romanian (ISO 8859-16)”,
“Turkish (Windows 1254)”,
“Turkish (ISO 8859-9)”,
“Vietnamese (Windows 1258)”,

py_encodings_list =

def st2python(encoding):
index = st_encodings_list.index(encoding)
except ValueError:

return py_encodings_list[index]

def python2st(encoding):
py_encoding = codecs.lookup(encoding).name
except LookupError:

	index = py_encodings_list.index(py_encoding)
except ValueError:

return st_encodings_list[index]

class ST2DecodeError(ValueError):

def decode_st(text, encoding):
enc = st2python(encoding)
if enc:
return text.decode(enc)
raise ST2DecodeError(“unknown Sublime Text encoding: %s” % encoding)[/code]



What sort of plugins are you writing?

Unless you are reading/writing to a file you typically don’t need to worry about codecs.



Yes, it’s principally when reading/writing files from Python. But I had this kind of issue when reading output pipe from a process too.

Most plugins don’t bother with encoding when reading files, or use utf8 encoding.
When these plugin try to read an encoded file, most of the time they raise an exception. Only a few catch the exception nicely and stop.

A simple example is command DiffChangesCommand in \Sublime Text 2\Packages\Diff\ that only work for utf8 files:
This command compare the current view with the actual file content, so you could be pretty sure that the actual encoding of the view is the same that is used for the physical file.
So I know that my view is “Western (Windows 1252)” encoded, now what’s the encoding parameter to use for “, mode, encoding)” ?

This command deal nicely with the exception (but ultimately does nothing), but a lot of others not.



Yeah, ideally you just need to use utf8.

I could count on one hand the times I’ve come across files in encodings other than utf8.

I guess it just shows how sheltered I am :smile:



This the problem with file encoding, American people or people that only work in English environment doesn’t bother.
I really like to work only with utf8 files but as an European programmer, I have to deal with a few different encoding (actually mainly CP1252 or CP850).



Are the encodings you mentioned encoded in utf8 without issue?

Is there any plan for moving to utf8? Too much legacy code? Inefficient?

Wonder if you could use commit hooks like people use to normalize line endings?

I guess it would be good to include some kind of support for this in ST as the OP requested.



If you’re lucky yes, but most of time no. As long as the file contains only ASCII char it’s OK, but add a ‘éléphant’ to it and the game is over…

No, probably never if not absolutely required. We have something like 24000 source files in our Git repository.

Probably not because our source code base is a mix of utf8 and others encoding. It’s rather difficult to know which files use which encoding automatically.

Hope Jon hear you, but OAH the lack of others users feedback about these issues make me feel lonely. :cry:
Am I the only one having this kind of trouble ?

Anyway thanks for your support.