Sublime Forum

Add doctype to html snippet


Was mentioned but not sure what is holding jps back.

Default snippet for ‘html’ should include doctype, preferably HTML5 one (). Nobody should be coding in quirks mode as it’s… quirky, and not specified, and behaves differently in different browsers. This default snippet encourages it though.

Either that or please provide clean way of overriding default snippets so that my modifications are not replaced on some future update.



It’s easy to create:


$1 $0 ]]> html5 text.html, source.php [/code] Just save in your users folder as **html5.sublime-snippet**.


Well, yeah. But I sort of care about the default. It’s quicker to type and I have it engraved in the memory. :smile:
Also I don’t want others to create html pages without doctype. Some people have no idea what doctype is (probably not the ones that use sublime for making pages though…).