Sublime Forum

Settings for file-type


I’ve been trying to organize the key-bindings and snippets for the LaTeX files by wrapping all in a file: Packages/User/LaTeX.sublime-settings, but it seems not to work.

In particular, putting in Packages/User/LaTeX.sublime-settings

		"keys": "super+ctrl+k"],
		"command": "insert_snippet",
		"args": {"contents": "\\begin{$1}\n\t${0:$SELECTION}\n\\begin{$1}"}

ST2 ignores it yet when in LaTeX mode. I can accomplished my binding putting in Packages/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap

// LaTeX
	,{ "keys": "super+ctrl+k"], "command": "insert_snippet",
		"args": {"contents": "\\begin{$1}\n\t${0:$SELECTION}\n\\begin{$1}"},
			{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.tex.latex" }

But the latter is not what I was looking for, since it will end in a huge file with a mesh of settings and repeated contexts.

I’ve tried with Packages/User/LaTeX.sublime-keymap either, but no results.

What am I doing badly?


  • Juan F.