Sublime Forum

"show_panel_on_build" on Syntax Specific User not overriding



I am trying to turn off the build panel showing on build when using markdown syntax. I am on OSX and using Marked for markdown preview and I don’t want the build panel popping up with a pointless “build finished” message. I have put the following in my markdown syntax specific and multimarkdown syntax specific preferences:

    "show_panel_on_build": false

But it does not work. I have tested the syntax specific preference file with other settings and they have worked, but this setting does not. I was also able to change the same “show_panel_on_build” setting in my default settings for all syntaxes and it worked, but I want only markdown to not show build results. Help would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi, I had the same issue but I fix that. The problem is in “Packages/Default/” file that is responsible for builds. It’s loading just User/Defaul settings but not a syntax specific settings.

To fix that I change this (line 133):

show_panel_on_build = sublime.load_settings("Preferences.sublime-settings").get("show_panel_on_build", True)

to this:

show_panel_on_build = self.window.active_view().settings().get('show_panel_on_build', True)

and it’s work now.

However I notice that few lines below it’s actually load syntax specifics settings but just for “build_env” entry. It’s also checks whether “self.window.active_view()” exists before getting that entry. That’s probably mean that active_view is not available in some cases.

Could someone please explain how it is? and why it’s not loading syntax specific settings on default?


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Can @dku’s fix please be incorporated into the official Default package @wbond ?



see also

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