Sublime Forum

HTML style and script tags not behaving themselves


At first I thought this issue was being caused by the Tag plugin, but further investigation shows that something else is going on.

When using the Tag plugin to close a tag when I type </ I am getting incorrect closing tags.

In this case I am trying to close the style tag.

In this case I am trying to close the script tag.

At first I thought it had something to do with the plugin until I disabled it and tried a few different highlighting themes. This theme shows the style tag looking a lot like the comment section above.



And here is a simplified version of the last example (using Cobalt theme). However in this version the style tag is clearly not coming up as a comment, but rather something else.

When I enable the Tag plugin, I’m back to have incorrect closing tags.

It’s quite tricky to explain this one.

It’s happening in Build 2219 and 2.0.1 on both Mac and PC (both versions tested on each).