Sublime Forum

Snippets installed by package can't be used



I’ve installed a set of HTML and CSS snippets via Package Manager. This has placed a new directory, HTML snippets, in my ST2 Packages folder full of correctly formatted .sublime-snippet files. However, when I go to use these snippets in an .html file they don’t seem to work. I type in the shortcode, press TAB and… nothing. The new snippets don’t seem to show up in the snippets menu in ST2 either.

Having read the documentation I’m under the impression that ST2 should find snippets in any folder within the packages directory. As a quick test I created a snippet in the default location /packages/users and it worked fine. I then moved the snippets from the HTML snippets directory to /users and suddenly these became available to use.

Did I miss a step when I installed the snippets via Package Control? Do all snippets have to be in /users or do I need to configure something else in ST2 to ensure this works correctly in the future?

Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.

