Sublime Forum

ST3 Macros not firing, OS X 10.8.2


Trying out the beta for ST3, really excited, anxiously awaiting the update to Package Control among other things, but I was making myself at home as well as I could. Unfortunately when I started reinstalling my macros, everything came to a screeching halt.

I have one macro, really:

{"keys": "super+;"],"command": "run_macro_file","args": {"file": "Packages/User/eol-semicolon.sublime-macro"}}

And in Packages/User, I have this:

{ "args": { "to": "eol" }, "command": "move_to" }, { "args": { "characters": ";" }, "command": "insert" } ]

Exactly what I had for ST2. When I try to fire the macro, ST3 reports: “Unable to open macro Packages/User/eol-semicolon.sublime-macro”

I turned on log_commands and log_input in the console, but that didn’t report anything useful. Is this a bug, or did I miss a note in the beta release announcement that macros were borked until further notice?



Wish there was a way to do this without bumping, but build 3008 fixed this. Thanks!