Sublime Forum

Select line also select the beginning of the next line


I’m having a strange behavior with “Expend Selection to Line” (Ctrl+L).

lets say I have the following code:

just an example
next line

When I place the cursor over the first line, hit Ctrl+L, it selects line 1 up until the beginning of line 2 (just before the word “next”).

These are my User Settings:

	"default_line_ending": "unix",
	"detect_indentation": true,
	"font_size": 14,
	"smart_indent": true,
	"highlight_line": true,
	"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
	"use_tab_stops": true

What might be the problem?



I think this behaviour is by design, though it’s less than ideal. Other editors have the notion of modal selection: line, column and linear, whereas sublime only has one (linear) selection that’s kludged to do all three. It’s engineered this way due to sublime’s multiselection/multicursor features.

The behaviour you describe is a function of the above design behaving intuitively when combined with, say, delete - if the caret didn’t move to the next line, delete wouldn’t delete the whole line, it would only empty the selected line.

Though I say “kludged” above in reality it’s not that bad, it just leads to annoying workflow inconsistencies. For example, if I press ctrl+l then shift+down x2, I’ve selected 3 lines. I then ctrl+c to copy, dump the caret on another line in my file and hit ctrl+v. What I want to happen is the 3 lines I copied to be inserted above the current line. What actually happens is the 3 lines are inserted at the current caret position, screwing up indents and generally not what’s wanted. To make things work right, I need to go to the line I want to insert above, hit up, ctrl+enter to open a new line, home to move to the beginning of that (blank) line, then ctrl+v.

Whilst it’s easy to be critical about this, I also recognise the potential clash between modal selections (line, column, linear) and multiple cursors/selections. I’m sure that with some thought it could be done well, but Jon’s opted for the KISS approach. Given the benefits that multiple selections/cursors brings, it’s a compromise I can live with, though I’d love to see an elegant melding of the two concepts.

Better macros (too limited atm) and a combination of simple plugin-style extensions could probably alleviate most of the headaches with the current model.



If you really dislike that behavior you can use a plugin to get the behavior you want. Assuming you just don’t like the fact that it grabs the newline also, you can create the following plugin.

[code]import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class MyLineSelectionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
new_cursors = ]
cursors = view.sel()
for cursor in cursors:
for cursor in new_cursors:

Then add the following as a key binding

{ "keys": "ctrl+l"], "command": "my_line_selection" }
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Thank you :smile:

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hi, I know this is an old thread but I would really like to use this plugin. I don’t know how to set it up… anyway I put the following code you gave into a file in my users Sublime Text 3/packages/user/ directory and saved it as

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class MyLineSelectionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
new_cursors = ]
cursors = view.sel()
for cursor in cursors:
for cursor in new_cursors:

then I went into my user keymap file and added this line
{ “keys”: [“ctrl+l”], “command”: “my_line_selection” }

and saved it, but it doesn’t do anything. am I missing something here?



There seems to be a typo in the code. Line 6 should have both [], not just ]



This is caused by a faulty import from the old forum software where [ characters were missed in code blocks. The import occured at the start of 2016.

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import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class MyLineSelectionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
view = self.view
new_cursors = []
cursors = view.sel()
for cursor in cursors:
for cursor in new_cursors:

I also have got problem. How to fix this problem



Python is an indentation based language. You’ll have to indent your code properly.

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class MyLineSelectionCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
	def run(self, edit):
		view = self.view	
		new_cursors = []
		cursors = view.sel()
		for cursor in cursors:
		for cursor in new_cursors:
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Thanks error is left but line selects with line break:(



Can you explain a bit more on what you are trying to achieve ? I can’t understand what your GIF is trying to convey.

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I use ctrl+l to select line

I set up key bindings to this function
“keys”: “ctrl+l”,
“command”: “my_line_selection”

So I need to select entire line with OUT line brake at the end



The following method worked for me like a charm.

Install the Pacage :ChainOfCommand

Add this key binding

{ "keys": ["ctrl+l"], 
	"command": "chain", 
	      ["expand_selection",{"to": "line"} ],
	      ["move",{"by": "characters", "forward": false, "extend": true}],

This idea behind this is simple , i am using two commands for the shortcut(ctrl+l) to achieve the result. The problem is , ctrl+l(by default) selects the line but also first character of the new line.
What this keybinding does ,
It selects the line + newline char but then the second command(copied from shift+left ) deselects the newline character and bravo!

Limitation: Now you cannot select multiple lines by hitting ctrl+l multiple times. But a new keybinding will solve this easily (copy the default ctrl+l keybinding and assign it to something else)
Hope it helps.



Just to tack on to that response, if you’re using ST4 you don’t need to install the Chain Of Command (or MultiCommand) package; there’s a chain command built into ST4 that takes the same arguments as the package does, so it’s now officially in the core:

    { "keys": ["super+t"], "command": "chain",
        "args": {
            "commands": [
                ["echo", {"chain": true}], ["echo", {"chain": false}]
    { "keys": ["super+s"], "command": "chain",
        "args": {
            "commands": [
                {"command": "echo", "args":{"chain": true} },
                {"command": "echo", "args":{"chain": false} }