Sublime Forum

Complete Tag Shortcut doesn't seem to work?


For some reason when pressing option+cmd+., which is the shrotcut for auto-completing a tag, it doesn’t seem to work on my Mac.

I feel like either I’m not using it correctly or it is broken for some reason.

I have installed the following packages:

Advanced New File
Bracket Highlighter
Package Control
Plain Tasks
Side Bar
and Sublime Linter

I have checked the default key bindings for these and there doesn’t seem to be any issues with the binding being used twice. Also it does seem as though when I use the shortcut keys it does highlight the edit menu so I assume it is finding what it should be doing but not actually doing it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Perhaps this is what you meant by “checking the default key bindings”, but if not, you can see what command is actually running when you use a key combination by entering sublime.log_commands(True) in the console. I would do this to ensure the command you think is running is actually being run.



Thanks that helped. I have fixed it now. I actually meant that I went through all the packages I had installed but that shortcut definitely helps a lot.

I’m a little new to this game and haven’t really spent a lot of time in the terminal. :open_mouth: