Sublime Forum

Shortcut using disabled package


I am trying Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 12.10 64bits as my new editor for Erlang development.
I installed Sublime-Erlang package that is defining Erlang.tmLanguage and Erlang.sublime-build.
I disabled the default Erlang package.
When I am pressing ctrl+b in an Erlang file, Sublime Text is using the default Erlang pacakge even if it has been disabled.
If I remove completly the Erlang package directory, when I am pressing ctrl+b I get the error:

It seems the builder is hardcoded in my Session.sublime_session, how am I supposed to change it ?



It seems that if I set the menu option Tools/Build System to Automatic the issue is resolved.
But is it correct for the build system to be of a disabled package anyway ?