Sublime Forum

SFTP Server Setup Failure


I just started off with SublimeText and SFTP (Will bond, V 1.13.2), but can’t get it working on my Mac.

I follow the instructions as indicated :

  • CMD + Shift + P
  • SFTP Setup Server
  • I enter my details : host + user.
  • press CMD + S and save this file in a location on my home dir ./Documents/Development/SublimeTextConfig/sftp_servers/
  • next thing I see : an empty ftp server list with the only possibility to create a new ftp server …
  • I have already created & recreated 5 config files, but the program doesn’t seem to find them.
    Is there a specific location I have to put this ? (I created a sftp_servers folder myself because it didn’t exist.
    Is there a specific extention I need to use ?

Please lead me to the missing bit.



The sftp_servers folder needs to be in Packages/User/. The location varies per OS.

Send me an email to with what OS and version of Sublime Text you are using so I can try to replicate.