Sublime Forum

GotoAnything crashes when instant-search hits non-text file


Background: Sublime Build 3059. Paid User. Mac OSX 10.9.4
Plugins: Git, GoSublime, Jedi - Python Autocompletion, Markdown Preview, Package Control, Shell Command, Theme - Soda, Vintageous

I have a situation where the compiled binary is also part of the project. I didn’t intend to edit my “executable” with an editor, but it happens to be in the same directory as other sources. In this particular case, it is a Go project, uses GoSublime plugin, but it happens while I am Python files as well.

I type Cmd+P and pull the search and I search for a file that matches the executable name. In my case, I intend to continue typing and select .go or .py extension. But before I have had a chance to do that - say 1/10th of a second after the “selection/highlight” shows the executable file (which clearly does not have an extension and matches first), the Popup disappears and I am dropped in to “edit” the executable !!! It shows a Hex editor (good job on that!). Usually at this point I am busy typing more characters (I hadn’t stopped typing) and all that appears right in to the executable.

Moreover, this strange window has no X (close) button. If I was editing another file, the title of that tab will show whatever last file I was really editing and the contents this hex dump. Now if I really click on another file, that window gets refreshed with what I really selected.

Let me know what kind of Screenshot / Video / dump I need to send, I will see what I can do.

