Sublime Forum

Max of 8 build systems per project?


I have a project where I have about 2 dozen build systems (setup for building different platforms, deploying, etc). But it only ever displays the first 8 build systems from my project followed by the default ones. This happens in both version 2 and beta 3. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround?



So just updated to the latest Sublime and was initially happy to see that it no longer limits me to 8 build systems… but sad when I realized I am limited to 12 now :confused:

It seems rather arbitrary to have any limit here at all.

And to give an idea of why I want this, is I have many, many build configurations ({osx, android, linux, win32, win64} vs {debug, release} vs, {clean, build, deploy, run}, etc). So when I map this matrix of build settings to Sublime’s 1-dimensional build system array, it very quickly blows WAY beyond 12.

Now ideally the sublime build system would have support for adding N number of enum-style variables that I could set via some sort of drop down menu (things like Platform, Configuration, etc) and then in my build script branch on those. But it seems like the high order bit would be to simply fix the Build System menu to allow unlimited numbers of build systems.

Maybe this is something that just requires a plugin to be written to get right, but I tend prefer not to require plugins :neutral_face: