Sublime Forum

ST3 - Hide panel icons


I’m not sure what happened but basically I reinstalled my Windows 7, downloaded ST3, package control, emmet and activated my license.
Next day when I open ST3 all panel items have a weird icon that I’ve never seen before sitting next to them…

I’m using the Monokai theme that comes with the default installation.

Is there a way to hide the icons? They look hideous and they confuse me a bit since I’m used to not having them.




After some googling I found out that this feature was added with the 3065 update.

I hope there will be a way to disable the panel icons in future updates.

If anyone has found a workaround for this, feel free to share.



This may be of some use:

[quote=“billdami”]To completely remove both the new folder and file type icons, you can simply customize your theme, adding the following theme rules:

{ "class": "icon_file_type", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder_loading", "content_margin": [0,0] }

For me (I’m using the Soda Dark theme), this essentially puts the sidebar back to how it looked pre 3065:[/quote]

Found here: