Sublime Forum

Build 3065: Horrendous file truncation and NUL characters


Since updating to 3065 on Yosemite (OS X 10.10), I have been having horrendous file losses with major insertions of NUL characters leading to file truncation.

This just started and I’ve never seen it before after using Sublime for years.

1> Anyone else experiencing this?

2> How to I downgrade?





I was also getting .fuse_xxxxxxx files with 3065 which I’ve never seen before either.

Upgraded to 3066 (dev build) and those .fuse_* files went away immediately, the very first time I opened the directory in 3066.

This is on a DropBox drive and, as I said, I’ve never seen the .fuse_* files before.

Something’s up with 3065 -> DropBox that is not there in 3066.

Hope this saves someone else some trouble…




Sorry to say, but I’m still experiencing these issues with 3066, just not as frequently.

I’ve had to stop using Sublime – the time it was saving me over BBEdit is erased by the time it takes me to recover from corrupted files several times a day.

I’m a licensed user and am quite unhappy about this. While BBEdit’s great for what it’s great for, I do not want to use it as my main editor…




I can also confirm.

I’m using OSX 10.9.5 and Sublime Text 3 3065. This just started happening randomly. I’ve been using this same setup for over 3 months.

I am saving to files over CIFS. I also have a bunch of zero byte .subl3d3.tmp files building up.

I can see the following in the console:

Writing file /Volumes/ with encoding UTF-8 (atomic)
remote file system detected, falling back to non-atomic save
Reloading /Volumes/

Is there a way to bump up some log level to see where this is happening?



I’ve seen this problem a few times in both Windows 7 and 8. It’s occurred in two cases: when I am editing a file in a Google Drive sync directory, and when the PC powered off unexpectedly in the middle of editing a file.

In both cases, the file in the active tab in Sublime Text was irretrievably lost, completely overwritten with null bytes.