Sublime Forum

Zero '0' char hard to distinguish from eight '8' char, help



Sublime is Awesome!!! I want to customize it to fit my needs.

With the default font_face, when the font size is small, the zero, ‘0’ character (which has a diagonal) is very difficult to distinguish from the eight, ‘8’, character. Is there a way I can edit the font (of just the ‘0’ character) so that the diagonal is omitted when the font is below a certain size, say 10 pt.

(I know I can change the font_face to Courier or others, but I like the default)

Thanks in advance!!!



Obviously, if you don’t like the font, then change to another font. There are more choices than Courier you know. Since you don’t like slashed zeros, try a font with filled zeros instead, such as Andale Mono, Deja Vu Sans Mono, or Source Code Pro.



quick and dirty: wrapping this neatly with a settings file is left as an exercise for the reader

[code]import sublime

def on_font_size_change():
sublime_prefs = sublime.load_settings(“Preferences.sublime-settings”)
font_size = sublime_prefs.get(‘font_size’)
if font_size < 10 :
sublime_prefs.set(‘font-face’, ‘Source Code Pro’)
sublime_prefs.set(‘font-face’, ‘’) #use the default

def plugin_loaded():