Sublime Forum

Overriding .tmpreferences Files


I’m working in Rails. For some reason, the default form_for.sublime-snippet isn’t formatted in a way that works for me. To override it, I create a Rails folder inside the Packages folder, and copy the existing packages form_for snippet while changing the things I need to change. This works perfectly and overrides the existing snippet (rather than creating a new snippet and giving me multiple options for tab completion). The only issue however, is that one of the things I need to change is a variable in the .tmpreferences file for Rails (ERB). If I do the same thing as a .sublime-snippet file (copy it and put it in the Packages/Rails folder) however, the variables don’t change and the snippet keeps using the variables from the original. How do I override these variables?

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This is a bug that has been filed at

Here’s a workaround: make a symlink at Packages/Rails/<yourfile>.tmPreferences that points to User/Rails <yourfile>.tmPreferences. Then, you can edit either file, save the change, and restart sublime for it to take effect.

EDIT: the bug has been fixed as of build 3109.