Sublime Forum

Packages not working as they used to


What do I do if more than one plugin suddenly stops working like they used to work?

For example: the PhpDoc package and the TrailingSpaces package still work, but the PhpDoc package doesn’t autocomplete a PhpDoc Block any more on [enter] press (it used to), and more importantly, TrailingSpaces doesn’t trim my trailing spaces any more on file save :frowning:.

Could it be that some (other) package is malfunctioning and interfering with the functioning of the other packages? How do I find out why this is going wrong?



Ok I’ve found that what was working before - having the TrailingSpaces settings in my Sublime settings file - is not working any more. Moving them to the TrailingSpaces settings file got it working again.

However, the PhpDoc package is still broken. Might as well be a change in the package itself, so this topic may be considered unimportant for now :smile:.