Sublime Forum

Changes to .jshintrc have no effect


I’m trying to configure jshint by modifying the .jshintrsc file but nothing changes in the jshint error behavior. Except the globals option. When I enter ’ “globals”: {“console.log:false”} ', it stops throwing an error for ‘console.log’. But if I enter “quotmark”: false, or “plusplus”: true, or most importantly “esnext”: true, nothing seems to happen. I’m sure I’m missing something simple.

I’ve tried everything.

Help me you’re my only hope.




For starters, which linting package are you using? This is not core functionality.



Thanks for answering. I’m using JsHint Gutter with ST 3.

Also I found I can stop the ES6 errors by putting ‘/* jshint esnext:true */’ in my code. Still would like to know what’s going on though. Everything I can find on this seems to indicate that putting ‘esnext:true’ in the .jshintrc file will do the same thing, but I can’t seem to get any response from the .jshintrc file execept the global setting mentioned above. Which seems to indicate that I’m at the right config file. ???

Thanks again for responding.



According to its readme, jshint gutter does look into .jshintrc files: … rc-options

I suggest looking around at its github repository and potentially creating a new issue for this if there are no similar ones.



OK. I looked around quite a bit and can’t find this exactly. That’s why I think i must be doing something so dumb that it doesn’t need covering. Here is my .jshintrc file - if you want to take a look, I’m wondering if there is a setting in one of the other preference files that is preventing this from being respected. I’ve looked extensively but don’t see anything. Most of the issues I find seem to be from a level above my understanding. But I guess I could try creating an issue. If I even have that privilege.

// The plugin looks for a .jshintrc file in the same directory as the source
// file you’re prettifying (or any directory above if it doesn’t exist, or in
// your home folder if everything else fails) and uses those options along
// the default ones.

// Details: … rc-options
// Example: … /.jshintrc
// Documentation:

“browser”: true,
“esnext”: true,
“globals”: {“console.log:false”},
“globalstrict”: true,
“quotmark”: false,
“undef”: true,
“unused”: true,
“plusplus”: true}

Thanks again.!



If you can see a repository and issues are enabled, you can create one.