Sublime Forum

Sublime text 2 won't load


Hi there,

I thought I should share this with users who were facing a similar problem:

I installed Sublime text a while ago, installed some plug-ins, and it wouldn’t start.

Even though I uninstalled, and reinstalled, I still got this error:

Error trying to parse settings: Unexpected character, expected a comma or closing bracket in C:\Users\xxxxx\Appdata\Roaming\Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings:6:1

Solution is pretty simple, just go to that folder (C:\Users\xxxxx\Appdata\Roaming\Sublime Text ) and delete it, if you can’t see the ‘Appdata’ folder, just simply go to View->hidden folders and select it, then you can find the folder.

Hope that helped someone. :smiley: