Sublime Forum

CTRL+R list is case sensitive



I just downloaded Sublime Text 2 and was testing everything out since I’m looking for a better editor for my PHP projects, I currently have Zend Studio but it’s slowing me down with it’s constant errors and crashes. Sublime Text so far is one of the smoothest and fastest editors I’ve tried and part of me wants it to work and this is the reason of my topic post.

So my current problem is, CTRL+R shows the class name and functions of my PHP class. It works, but limited to lower case. Eg: it would list “public function thisismyfunctionname()” but not “Public Function thisismyfunctionname()”.

I have developed a habit of starting “Function”, “Class”, “Extends”, “Public”, etc with a capital. So is there anything i can do to make it list method and functions case insensitive?