Sublime Forum

Is there a way to determine the current layout?


There is currently a command set_layout, which is a nice and flexible way of splitting the window. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a get_layout yet to determine the current layout. Is there any other way of determining this information? If not, consider this a feature request.

The use case is a keyboard shortcut for the SublimeREPL plugin. What I’d like to do is to take the current layout when I press the key to open the REPL, halve all the tab group heights and add a new tab group in the bottom half of the screen. Once I have the cols, rows and cells information of the current layout this should be trivial.






Just registered here to say “+1” too :smile:

EDIT: … then slap my head when I saw the dates of the initial posts… yet… the request is still valid :stuck_out_tongue: