Sublime Forum

[solved] zencoding broken by the new build?


hello everybody,

I just updated my sublime installation and the zen coding plugin seems to be broken.

When typing:

script[type=“text/javascript” src=“tisrutisur”] then tab, nothing happens

Am i the only one encountering such problem?



No, you are not !
I have the same issue. I have posted on Zen Coding board (, and I had this reply :

[quote]Looks like it’s ST2 issue: it doesn’t poll on_query_completions anymore when character before caret is ] so ZC doesn’t even know that you’re trying to expand something.

As a quick workaround, try to enter something after ] character. For example: div[title] → div[title]s[/quote]

I have tried, and it works.
Hope it will help you, while waiting for a patch, or something.



I can’t even install it from the Package Control anymore on Windows 7. Disappointing. I hope someone is able to find a solution. Was looking forward to using it on future projects.



Titerin: thanks for the trick, very useful. Another way to use it is to press ctrl-alt-enter which open the “enter a koan” window, it is very usefull too.



The problem seems to be solved for now, an update of zencoding has been made.

Thanks for all!