Sublime Forum

Clang plugins, I need help



I just discover Sublime Text yesterday… I love it (and I already brought my licence). I am developping for iOS on my Mac so I try to install and configure SublimeClang package.

In the SubliemClang.sublime-settings I just change the options part


    // If you code for iOS, you want to have something like the following here:

I created a myProject.sublime-project on my project fonder with:


		"path": "/Users/jacques/Documents/Sources/MyProject"



I created a build setting

{ "cmd": "/usr/local/bin/", "$file_base_name"], "file_regex": "^(..^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$", "working_dir": "${project_path:${folder}}", "selector": "source.m" }

And a the script shell:


set -e


xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator5.1
-arch i386
install DSTROOT="${DSTROOT}"

/usr/local/bin/waxsim “${DSTROOT}”/Applications/"${APPNAME}".app[/code]

In fact this part work very well, and I can compile my project.

But, when I activate the SublimeClang Package I have a lots of error:

/Applications/,24 - Error - 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable

It seems there is some path missing, but I can’ t figure which.

Is there any body who can help me?

Thanks in advance,