Sublime Forum

LESS build cmd


I’m trying to setup my projects to all compile LESS the same way. Currently, I have my source files in their own folder. In that folder the modules are categorized into different sub-folders. (e.g. less/reset.less, less/variables.less, less/module/nav.less, less/layout/inline.less, etc.)

I want my build file to compile these files into another folder, but maintain the sub-folder structure. So:

  • less/mixins.less -> css/reset.css
  • less/module/nav.less -> css/module/nav.css
  • less/layout/inline.less -> css/module/inline.css

Any idea how I can get that? My current build command (which obvisouly doesn’t work) is this:
"cmd": "lessc", "$file", "${file_path}/../css/${file_base_name}.css", "--verbose"],



On windows change line 13

"windows": { "cmd": "dotless.Compiler.exe", "$file" , "${file_path}//..//css/${file_base_name}.css" ],