Sublime Forum

Showing Standard Out in the Console


I may not be asking this the right way, but is there a way to “misuse” the build system tool in order to see stdout?

For example, if I am editing a file with the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Hello World"

I’d like to be able to run it such that a shell process executes the file using the hashbang, and the output shows in the Sublime Text console.

While this probably isn’t the purpose of build, it would be useful, if not as a part of build, then as a package. Does it exist already, and am I looking in the wrong place?

Incidentally, in OS X I’ve somewhat replicated this by simply copying the filepath into DTerm (like Guake). Then I can save the file, call DTerm which pops up within the ST window, execute, and see the new results. However, it seems like there’s probably a more elegant way within Sublime Text and its console.
