Sublime Forum

HTML(Rails) syntax highlighting issue


I’m having a problem with syntax highlighting for HTML(Rails) with the following code:

<% require 'elemental_cal' %>
<% form_for @cloud_config, :url => {:action => "cloud"}, :html => {:method => "post", :autocomplete => "off"} do |f| %>
  <div id="black_header">
    <div class="content">

I attached a picture of what it looks like on my screen. This issue is that after the second single quote in the first line all of the text is yellow (as if it is a string) until the first brace in the second line, but it should not be.

Can anyone confirm they’re getting this issue as well?

I’m on Ubuntu 12.04 with subl Version 2.0.1, Build 2217. If this is the incorrect medium to report this issue, let me know where I should report it and I will move it there (took a quick look around and couldn’t find an official bug report feature).