Sublime Forum

Backspace and supr issue


Hi, im running Sublime Text 2.0.1, Build 2217 on my debian squeeze 32bits box and I think I’m having an issue with backspace and supr keys.

Sometimes im unable to delete text with my backspace key or supr key, it just does nothing. I have to select the text in order to delete it.
It happens in some source files, and sometimes in one source file, im able to use backspace and supr in some parts of the document, and in others not.

I’ve wrote a simple exampel to demostrate this:

[code] var myObject = function() {
var value = 0;

return {
	increment: function(inc) {
		value += typeof inc === 'number' ? inc : 1;
		return value;
	getValue: function() {
		return value;
	publicVar: "Im public"


var mclass = myObject();

for(var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {

I’m able to delete until the ‘=’ sign of “var mclass = myObject();”. Later, I can’t do anything…

Thanks in advance, I’ll be looking forward to receive feedback to solve this problem.