Sublime Forum

Error Notifications and linked files


Before using Sublime Text I used Dreamweaver which for the most part I’ve not missed. Although, I have missed a couple of features:

Error Notifications - Dreamweaver would add a little red marker on the page line number when it detected an error. Say a div hadn’t been closed, or you’d missed a ; from the end of a php line. This was simple but a very handy feature, and helped fixed minor issues quickly (for me at least anyway)

Linked files - Dreamweaver also allowed showed hotlinks to linked or included files above the text area. e.g. CSS files, javascript files or basic php includes. For me this was just a nice feature for navigating thorough a project.



For erro notification you can try sublimelinter package, and then install also the various language specific linting packages like: html, php, css and javascript
For hotlinking st gives you the native gotoanything functionality, with cmd+p (osx) or ctrl+p (win) you can easly navigate through the project files…



You should try this i will help you.