Sublime Forum

Preference request - "display_sidebar_icons": false


I asked about this over on the Reddit board, and got some good advice on editing the theme as a workaround (for example, Soda Dark 3 fix/hack), but I would really love a simple preference to enable/disable sidebar icons, like this:

"display_sidebar_icons": false

I know some people really love them. But others (like myself) don’t. Keep up the good work and I hope you have a chance to add this sometime soon.




This is something that would be useful. In the meantime, what you can do is create a ‘CurrentTheme.sublime-theme’ file, I am currently using Devastate as my UI theme, so in Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User (Click on Settings -> Browse Packages then select the ‘User’ folder) I have a file called ‘Devastate.sublime-theme’. In this file I have cutomized the appearance of the theme to do what you want:

{ "class": "icon_file_type", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder", "content_margin": [0,0] }, { "class": "icon_folder_loading", "content_margin": [0,0] }]

By adding those options, you can disable the icons in the sidebar menu.