Sublime Forum

Rlyeh's wishlist


Hello there\n

Here are a few of my requests:

  • Auto format/indent current selection (Visual Studio does it with Ctrl-K + Ctrl-F). It applies the style of the current file document to your selection; also replace tabs/spaces to your settings. So handy!
  • Auto comment current selection (Visual Studio does it with Ctrl-K + Ctrl-C)
  • Auto uncomment current selection (Visual Studio does it with Ctrl-K + Ctrl-U)
  • Rectangular selections. ALT+mouse click in many text editors.
  • Optional typewriter sounds when being in distraction free mode (Q10 text editor does this and becomes even more inmersive when writing your books :slight_smile:
  • Quick HUE rotation slider to tweak current theme colors all in once quickly. Actually two sliders: one for background, and another one for all the theme colors. Allow user to save this current mutation as a regular theme for his personal use.

Minor requests:

  • The C++ syntax highlighter has trouble with this:

void function1() //this comment has wrong color {} //this one is ok

  • The C syntax highlighter has trouble with this:

struct class_t { int n; float f; } class; // there is a syntax warning between '}' and 'class'

that’s all for now
st2 is the greatest text editor ever : )



[quote=“rlyeh”]- Auto comment current selection (Visual Studio does it with Ctrl-K + Ctrl-C)

  • Auto uncomment current selection (Visual Studio does it with Ctrl-K + Ctrl-U)[/quote]

Menu Edit->Comment->Toggle Comment

If you already think that ST2 is the greatest text editor ever, take a deep breath and prepare to be dazzled by all the amazing features you missed :wink:

The documentation is actually somewhat sparse but I recommend this guide (for ST1 but most concept apply to ST2 too):

and take a look at guillermooo great documentation:



ha, im amazed i missed all those options lol : D
wishlist updated, thanks dude : )