Sublime Forum

MarkDown - Bold and Italic font support to display text


Recently I begined to edit a lot of MarkDown and MultyMarkDown (.md) files and even if SublimeText2 have some MarkDown support will be great to have a better support like support for BOLD and Italic fonts to display the text, to represent (display) more accurately the final result. So, for example when I surround some text with the Italic mark (example) or bold mark (example) to display the text between the marks with Italic and Bold fonts (example)(example). Example: When I choose as font for text Arial, Sublime is displaying all the file using the font Arial Regular. Will be great to have an option to display some portions of the text also using the Arial BOLD and Arial Italic font. This feature will be also useful for a lot of other type of files especially for source-code files.
Also more syntax coloring will be great especially for Bold and Italic marked text. Maybe this can already be done, but personally I don’t know how to change the syntax file.