Sublime Forum

Tab and folder view enhancement requests


Preference to always show parent folder names on tabs - I have structures where the file names are the same but the folders are not. Sublime shows this on the titlebar I know, but I like it right on the tab as well.

The current layout for the screen is kludgy at best. I would like to be able to drag a tab around and the width or height of the window gets split and the tab can be ‘docked’ there. Eclipse does this rather well. This also implies that I can always add a column or row to the window.

There should be a button to synchronize the selection of the file folder structure with the current selected tab. If I click on a tab, the location on the project is revealed.

Lastly an option to place find/replace panes on the top of the window instead of at the bottom.

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An option to customize the tab name with a format will be great.
vim has something like that, and its cool



I have this (OSX) keybinding:

{ "keys": "super+k", "super+r"], "command": "reveal_in_side_bar" },

Maybe that’s useful information.