Sublime Forum

A neater Project Manager


I just installed it and really quite like it. Thank you very much for the plugin!



[quote=“quodlibet”]OK, sorry. Package Control didn’t pick up the update. I had to reinstall the package for some reason.

BTW, renaming projects is not as straight-forward as renaming the .sublime-project file. There’s also a reference in the .sublime-workspace file that needs to be changed. Otherwise it throws up an error. (And there may be more complexity to this. I didn’t have a chance to fiddle too much.)

Ah, where are the good ol’ days of the Simple Project Manager? :smiling_imp:


The corresponding changes in the sublime-workspace file has already been made. …

I trashed my SPM files…SPM is just deprecated.



I’ve been quite happy with Project Manager thus far, though the paths issue is a bit a of a problem. It occurred to me that perhaps we’ve been thinking about this backwards. It might be more optimal to keep the project and workspace files within the project’s folder hierarchy and then keep an index of the projects in the User folder. That way you could define computer-specific paths in this custom index to the vanilla project files.

What do you think?



I start to believe that different sublime-project files should be used for the same project even on different platforms. May be I am wrong, but anyway, storing platform dependent settings in a single sublime-project file is difficult.



I’ve had some trouble with project build system across OSs. But the other settings would be identical, no?



Also, GitHub’s recommended gitignore settings for Sublime Text – as close an industry standard as I’m aware of – recommends that “project files should be checked into the repository, unless a significant proportion of contributors will probably not be using SublimeText” … nore#L9-11

So maybe including the project files in the within the project root and keeping the custom index of projects in User is the way to go. The benefit is your nicer UI, path settings, while maintaining compatibility with the buffoons who don’t use PM :smile:



Sorry for the long delay…I didn’t check this forum regularly. (side note: why still using phpbb??? it is so vintage…)

Perhaps, we could copy the local .sublime-project to /Users/Projects/ based on the modified time.
(Are github staff forced to use atom!? :smiling_imp: )



Yeah. Would you prefer if I open an issue an GitHub? I just didn’t want to make it sound like a demand or anything.

But I think leaving the project and workspace files within the appropriate projects and creating an index under User that PM relies on to locate them would solve all issues. And possibly bring about world peace. (But I could be wrong about this last one.)

Is there something you’re worried about this scheme?

Atom is interesting. I was jealous when it first came out in OSX, as I’m a Linux user by choice and Windows user at work. But even now that has been released for other platforms, I haven’t even tried it (though I will, at some point). I really like Sublime, warts and all.

I’m currently on the market for a CMS for a small project and I’m looking into Statamic, because it’s a flat file CMS. Which, basically, translates into spending more time in Sublime while building the site. I’m that sad :smile:



I finally have some time to implement this “import” feature. Have a look of the latest github commit. It should do what you are expecting.



Cool. This is probably the better way of doing it. Given your implementation there might be an issue with paths on different machines. It’s hard to tell because I had my two other laptops stolen a few weeks ago. (They were old and crappy but I hadn’t backed up some data in ages :frowning: )

I’ll let you know how it goes once I transition my projects to the library.json system.

Oh, and it’s not that hard to figure out, but you should probably add a note to the README about where users can locate their projects.

P.S. I’m really tired of this forum. I even wrote a strongly-worded email to Sublime HQ about it :imp:



Sorry to hear that your laptop was stolen.

There are certainly some issues with paths on different machines. I am thinking a machine specified projects directory.
Perhaps something like


Project Manager will read both Packages/User/Projects/ and Packages/User/Projects/Machine1/



Done, there is now an option use_machine_projects_dir to allow machine specified projects_dir.
I appreciate it if you could help me to test it.

use_machine_projects_dir may be poorly worded…
you may have better idea of the option name use_machine_projects_dir,



I don’t get how to use this :-/

I’ve added "use_machine_projects_dir": true, in my User/pm.sublime-settings file. Now what?



With this option enabled, the projects and the library.json will be saved under machine specified folder. So now, you could import your sublime-project on different machines since different library.json will be loaded on different machines. And there will be no path issue.



I don’t get it. :blush:

I’ve set “use_machine_projects_dir” to true.

I imported my projects on my personal laptop. When I tried Sublime at my desktop computer at work library.json was completely empty. Switching back to my laptop I found that it had been erased.

Possible causes:

  • I share my User folder via Dropbox.
  • I have commented out the “projects_dir” setting.


Did you check out the github branch? I haven’t pushed the new version to Package Control (yet).

If you are using the github version, you should be a folder under Packages/User/Projects/ named as your computer name.



No, sorry. I was just using the PC version.

I’ll test & report today.




OK, now this makes sense. It looks great on my Linux laptop but I’m having some trouble on Windows. I opened an issue on GitHub.



This is new version is wonderful.

I’m tweaking my project paths back to sanity. Here’s one I just came across:

"path": "../../../../../../Notebook/"




If you don’t found Project Manager under Ctrl+Shift+P>> install package then do follow

*Ctrl+Shift+P *> Type ‘add repository

opens up at bottom Repository URL :…]

paste ** ** and Enter

Now again type install package and you will find Project Manager